Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Rut is Coming

The debate for the last several decades over the timing of the rut has basically been, does it peak because of the moon phase, time of year, or the weather. My simple response is all three play a part.

However, I give quite a bit of credence to the moon phase. It goes without question that the moon phase affects the movement of many different types of wildlife. I believe this to be especially true for whitetails. Some hunters give special attention to the "rut" moon (the second full moon after September 21). I believe in that to an extent, but I also believe that deer move much more during any full moon than during the other phases of the moon.

This year the "rut" moon falls on November 22nd which is very late. (Last year it was November 3rd.) Thus my hypothesis is that the first full moon after September 21st will provide some fantastic rut hunting. That full moon falls on October 25th. I do not expect that does will be ready to breed yet. But the pre-rut stage for bucks should be heating up big time. Such a scenario may be better than the actual "rut" moon as bucks will be especially desperate to find a ready doe. Get your Tink69 or whatever other doe-in-heat attractant you use out for the 24th-26th cause the bucks should be on their feet and looking. This may also be a prime time to rattle (which I have had little to no success with), and don't forget the grunt call. It's almost rut time!

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