Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26th Hunt Report, Rut Report

Hunt Report
I got the opportunity to hunt "the sanctuary" this morning. It was a good example of one of those days where you force yourself to get into the woods. The wind was blowing at 15 mph at daylight. There is a huge line of storms blowing in this afternoon, so I was still hopeful that I may intercept some deer movement as they headed for cover from the storms.

I decided to hunt from the ground for a couple of reasons. First, I was considering still-hunting, which I eventually did. Windy days are a good opportunity for that. Second, there was no way I was going to mess up a good stand location while hunting on a windy, 70 degree day.

I did see two does and a nice buck. Whether or not he was a shooter is a borderline call.

Rut Report
I said last week that last night's full moon had the potential to provide some early rut action if the weather cooperated. Well, with 70 degrees and wind gusts close to 20 mph, it's safe to say that didn't happen.

However, the good buck I saw this morning was very intentionally trailing two does. And I also heard another report over the weekend of a buck that was following some does very closely. The rut is getting ready to happen. Lows are supposed to be close to freezing this weekend which could trigger the first wave. But I suspect any rut action will be very sporadic up until mid to late November.

Some good trail pictures are coming later!

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