Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20th Hunt Report, Trail Camera Pictures, Mock Scrape

My only morning class was cancelled this morning. That meant I could take advantage of a morning with a low of 41 degrees and no wind. I hunted my climber on the southeast end of "the sanctuary." Does were all over me from the time I got in my stand at daylight until about nine o'clock. Contrary to reports from last night, though, there were no bucks in tail. It was a very rare hunt in "the sanctuary" to see a lot of deer but no bucks.

I did, however, get some good pictures from my trail camera. There was one picture of a very good buck (see below), but the right side rack is lacking in size. I wounded a good buck last year in the front left shoulder, and I believe this is probably him. Experts say that injuries to a front leg generally create an abnormal antler on the same side but sometimes on the opposite. I guess this is an exception.

I made a new setup for the trail camera today. Has anyone ever tried mock scrapes? This was my first attempt at one. I broke off a few pieces of a licking branch and cleared a fairly large circle. An article I read said that a larger circle makes for a more noticeable scrape. I'll just see how it goes. I have zero expectations.

Let me know if you have done the mock scrape thing before. I'm open to any tips.

A cyote
Looks like a wide rack. He should be a really good buck in a year or two.
I'm naming this big guy "Leftie" because of his lopsided rack.

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